Friday, March 28, 2014

How to Cope with Stress of College

College can be one of the most stressful times in your life. There are several things that can help you cope with the stress but music can be the simplest thing you could do. Its inexpensive and a fast-acting solution that is always nearby.  Music has the ability to quickly shift your mood, affecting the part of your mind where stress and negative thoughts settle. It can bring a more joyful emotion in you and help make college a little bit easier everyday (Fitzpatrick, F).

5 Things That You Can do With Music:

1. Waking up with Music: 
Having an alarm play music when you wake up can help you start out with a better mood. It would be best to have familiar music playing when you wake up. Playing music while you get ready can increase your mood, making it a great start to your day.

2. Playing with music:
Playing an instrument and playing music that you love can help your brain get active. Music can even help your physical well-being just by playing an instrument.

3. Thinking more positively: 
Our brains are wired to think negatively and to hold more negative impressions. Music can help our brains relax and distract us of everyday problems. Thinking of a song in your head can also help our brains think more positively.

4. Exercise with Music:
If you exercise daily, bring music with you. It can make it easier to do the exercises, especially if you are playing your favorite songs. Exercise itself can relive build up tension but doing it with music can enhance the affect.

5. Listening to music in the background:
When doing homework, listening to music in the background can help you focus at the task at hand. You should turn off everything that can be distracting and turn on music. Playing instrumental music would be the best option because it would be less distracting than having a song with words playing.


Fitzpatrick, F. (2014). 12 ways to reduce stress with music. Retrieved from 

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