Friday, April 4, 2014

Music = Anger

Different types of music can lead to different types of emotions depending on the person's view. Anger is one of the strongest emotions a human can have. Some types of music can lead to anger just by the tone and pace of the song. Heavy metal is a good example of what can cause someone anger. I know some people listen to it because it can relax them and that depends on their view. Although, other people see it as music that can create a destructive behavior just by listening to it.
 CMCH (Center on Media and Child Health) did studies that examined the effects of music on children. There is no evidence that the lyrics can cause aggressive behavior because most children or adolescents do not even know or understand the words. Studies have shown that children who listen to heavy metal are most likely to take part in dangerous tasks. Heavy metal listeners have also had aggressive behaviors and conflicts with authority figures. They are more prone to having depressive feelings and suicidal thoughts. However, studies have not indicated that heavy music causes these behaviors but rather children who take part in risky behaviors are drawn to hard, aggressive music. It is possible that you might be dealing with anger issues that might draw you to this type of music or you listen to heavy metal because it increases those feelings. You should go a couple of weeks listening to calming music to see if hard music is creating those angry feelings. If you see yourself feeling less aggravated or edgy, then it might be time to cut down on the hard aggressive music.


TeenHealthFx. (2009). Can heavy metal unconsciously make me more angry and aggressive?. Retrieved

          from health/anger/45520

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