Friday, April 11, 2014

Some Interviews!

 Mrs. Paula, a music specialist:

1. Do you think music can create emotions? And if so what types of music can create what type of emotion? 

I think music has the ability to create just about any emotion that exists.  All music brings emotion of some kind to the listener and I believe people can hear the same music and experience different emotions.  Preference of music can determine a response, a memory of an experience went he music was heard, the sound of a certain singer's voice and or instrument, etc.  All of these can be related to the emotion a person experiences when hearing the music.

2. Can playing an instrument help with memory? If so, why?

Possibly, though I don't think it can be guaranteed.  I'm sure other factors are important to memory development.

3. Do you think music can effect someone's life? If so, why?

Yes.  As a professional career, music can open doors of possibility for someone who works hard at improving his/her skills/talent.  It also takes some lucky breaks to be successful.  More importantly, I believe music changes lives in smaller, private ways.  Music ensembles provide groups to which people can belong.  Music itself often helps express emotions and thoughts that are often difficult or impossible to articulate.  

4. Can you tell what type of music someone listens to just by their appearance or their personality?

No.  There are definitely stereotypes, but then there are always people whose appearance would lead you to think one thing and another would be true.

5. Do you think music can help with someone who has anxiety? If so, why?

Yes, if the right music is chosen.  It would need to be music that allows the person to relax and isn't connected to bad memories for the person.  Music can help the mind go to another place and time (through memory) and so listening to music can be a way to relax a person and help relieve anxiety.

6. Is performing arts a good tool to help people with their confidence? If so, why?

In my opinion, yes, if it is a positive experience.  That doesn't mean the person has to be the "star," but an experience that allows the person to perform at the best of their potential and they are recognized and supported for their work.  I think the person has to feel that the art is worthy of their time and work.  

The performing arts allow a person to give something from within to an audience and be applauded for the work.  Receiving that applause for doing something you love brings pride and confidence to the person.

7. Can music help with stress? If so, why?

Yes, but again, the right music must be chosen.  It would need to be music that allows the person to relax and isn't connected to bad memories for the person.  Music can help the mind go to another place and time (through memory) and so listening to music can be a way to relax a person and help relieve anxiety.

Music also is great for dancing and that is a great stress reliever!

8. What do you think the world would be like if music were just to disappear? 

I think many people would find other outlets to express their feelings and experiences (art, words, etc.) BUT I do feel there would be a big void.

Mrs. Tammy, National board member and educator:

1. Do you think music can help with a students education? If so, why?

Yes, because it helps with their memory and their brain fire (keeps their brains active)

2. Can it help with their memory? If so, why?

Yes, because kids remember music and lyrics to songs then with me talking to them.

3. Do you play educational music for your students? If so, why?

Yes, because it helps calm them and with their memory

4. Would you recommend students to incorporate music in their studying?

Yes, because it improves their memory and they remember more when they listen to music

5. If you do play music for your students, what made you want to start?

They started remembering more and enjoyed doing their work more because it they saw it as fun instead of doing hard work.

6. Have you seen music improve a student's grade? If so, why do you think that is?

Yes, because it helped keep their memory in place and they enjoyed it more.

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